Exciting Announcement! “The CRC’s Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research, Fourth Edition” to be Released Soon



We are excited to announce Sandra “SAM” Sather’s most recent contribution to CenterWatch, “The CRC’s Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research, Fourth Edition,” will soon be released. The guidebook engages the learner by providing relevant information backed with regulatory sources, frequently asked Q&A, case studies, tools like logs and checklists, and sample forms and SOPs.

Comment Now! Enhancing the Diversity of Clinical Trial Populations (Draft Guidance)



The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a draft guidance “Enhancing the Diversity of Clinical Trial Populations - Eligibility Criteria, Enrollment Practices, and Trial Designs”. It is the position of the FDA to enroll subjects who are the target audience for the investigational product once approved. Certain populations are underrepresented in clinical trials, even though they are part of the target audience. The draft guidance outlines methods the sponsor can use to support more diverse enrollment that more accurately reflects the target population, in accordance with requirements in the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (FDARA).

Introducing the DIGR-ACT® Solution! Part 5



What does ‘A’ stand for?

Don't waste time on root cause analysis, at least not if you won’t use the results! Proper root cause analysis takes effort and resources, and you need to use the output to determine actions to try to stop the issue recurring. This is the ‘A’ step of the DIGR-ACT® solution. Having dug into the issue, you now need to ‘Act’ on what you found.

ICH Releases E8 “General Considerations for Clinical Trials” Draft Revision for Public Comment



Clinical trials have become increasingly complex since the ICH E8 guideline on “General Considerations for Clinical Trials” was finalized in 1997. The draft revision is in Step 2b and available for public comment, and there are some interesting changes to note. Specifically, there is a greater emphasis on patient centricity, design of trials with quality in mind, and risk management. The overlying theme is fit-for-purpose quality as an essential consideration for study design. The revision is part of the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Renovation initiative. Previously, the ICH E6 GCP R2 addendum was finalized in 2016.

Introducing the DIGR-ACT® Solution! Part 4



What does ‘R’ stand for?

We're all in a rush, and we want to fix issues quickly. But often, by assuming too much, we might reach the wrong conclusion. The cause that we used root cause analysis tools to discover is actually incorrect. Once we have the (wrong) cause(s), we may rush off and take action to fix it. But if it's the wrong cause, it is wasted effort and you rushed - only to go slow. Like if your taxi doesn't show, you might decide never to use that company again because they are unreliable - when the real problem was that you gave them the wrong pick-up address.