Sandra SAM Sather Speaking at ACRP RTP Regional Conference: October 3-4, 2019



SAM Sather, MS, BSN, CCRC, CCRA, Vice President of Clinical Pathways, LLC, will be speaking at the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) Research Triangle Park (RTP) Chapter’s first regional conference. SAM will present on October 4th. Subject matter experts will cover key issues impacting clinical trials, and the conference provides networking opportunities and 12.0 ACRP continuing education credits are available.

Final Device Guidance Released!



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a final guidance, “Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) Program.” The guidance is in alignment with requirements from the 21st Century Cures Act and amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (FDARA).

Hiring New Clinical Researchers



In life, the purchase of a new car, or house, invokes feelings of excitement, potential value and sustainability.  Being new is positive thing, with infinite possibility.     

Whereas, in the clinical research industry, a new/inexperienced employee may invoke feelings of unease, and the investment of critical time and resources without prospective return. Wonderful possibility is not anticipated, rather, ability is questioned. This doubt forces the choice of experience over potential, on what is comfortable/predictable (such as the requisite two years of CRA experience for an entry level CRA position) over the unknown.

FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Inclusion of Males in Breast Cancer Trials



Male breast cancer is rare, but nonetheless as deadly as for women when at the same stage of progression. Men have been traditionally excluded from breast cancer clinical trials, so any treatment for them has been developed with data from women subjects. This results in fewer FDA approved treatment options for men with breast cancer.